Vision & Values

Mission Statement

A Quality Education In A Rural Setting

Oxford Area School in New Zealand has a rich history that reflects its integral role in the community. Originally established to serve a wide rural area, it now caters to a broad range of students from primary through to secondary levels. The school prides itself on offering both academic and practical learning opportunities, including outdoor education and unique subjects like equine studies. Its facilities have undergone significant modernization, with new purpose-built classrooms that incorporate the latest in teaching technology.
Vision & Values

Kāhui Whetū – Tātai Whetū – Rau Whetū

We identify the bright shining stars in the Oxford night sky as being something unique to us. Our vision has three connected parts

1. Grow together

Thriving & Connected Communities

2. Learn together

Pioneering & Collaborative Learning

3. Shine together

Courage, Success & Pride

Oxford Area School

Te Kura o Te Poho Rakahau

As a community, we align our learning and skills, showing how extraordinary we are.

Grow together

Thriving | Connected Communities

Stand united, stand strong

Learn together

Pioneering | Collaborative Learning

Learning will help you in life. It's great to learn and have knowledge.

Shine together

Courage | Success | Pride

Anything worthwhile requires considerable effort. See the rewards of your hard work.