All Year 1-12 students are expected to be in correct school uniform. Our uniform requirements for all year levels are here.
Uniform is gender neutral and all items can be worn any time of the year.
Samples of the senior uniform are held at school for your convenience. Students can try on and get the size before you place your order online. If you know the size of the item, you can order and pay for it online and it will be delivered within a couple of days. Please phone the school to make an appointment.
Secondhand Uniform
There is a small selection of second hand uniform held by the PTA. Please contact school if you would like to view this. There is also a Second hand uniform Facebook page here.
Available from the Uniform Bay at The Warehouse, Rangiora
Navy Shorts
Navy Culottes
Navy Skort
Navy poly cotton or Navy Taslon trousers
Navy/red Polo top with school logo
Navy Sweatshirt with school logo
Navy Polar fleece – no hood, (Yoke and small zip)
Navy soft shell Jacket with school logo
Appropriate wet weather jacket, navy or black.
Socks – Navy, black or white ankle or knee length
Tights – Navy
Years 4-6 – Black/Red Polo top with school logo
(Mainland Uniforms) and Black, plain shorts (The Warehouse)
Footwear that is appropriate for all school activities – indoor and outside
Some subjects may require specific footwear to be worn
Navy or Red wide brimmed or bucket hat
A Navy or black thermal may be worn beneath the polo shirt
Available from: Mainland Uniforms, Wairakei Rd, ChCh or,
Online at Mainland Uniforms (Phone: 03-360-3037)
Navy Shorts
Navy Culottes
Navy pleated, knee length skirt
Navy “Chino” trousers
Navy/red Polo top with school logo
Blue fleck blouse/shirt with school logo
Navy/white Pullover with school logo
Navy soft shell Jacket with school logo
Socks – Navy, black or white ankle or knee length
Tights – Navy
Red/black polo top with school logo
Black, plain shorts
Plain black shoes with low heel. No fashion shoes, no insignia or logos.
Black leather Roman or velcro sandals with a heel strap- summer option
Some subjects may require specific footwear to be worn
Years 7 – 12 are encouraged to wear sun hats – navy, black or red bucket hats or caps
Beanie – Navy, or black plain – no logos (not to be worn in the classroom)
Beanie – Navy or black plain – no logos
A navy or black thermal may be worn beneath the polo shirt or blue fleck shirt
Tidy, appropriate clothing that aligns with our school values.
Health and safety must be considered when wearing any jewellery, it should be small and discrete and be prepared to remove jewellery for some subjects and activities. Any item the school deems inappropriate or a potential health and safety risk will need to be removed or covered up.
Students’ appearance should be neat, tidy and smart. If there are cultural reasons why students can’t meet our uniform regulations, parents or caregivers must make contact with the appropriate Deputy Principal. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
Senior Uniform (Year 7-12) Supplier – Mainland Uniforms, Wairakei Road, Christchurch.
Junior Uniform (Year 1-6) Supplier – The Warehouse, Rangiora.
TRANZIT BUS COMPANY has a range of buses transporting Oxford Area School students to and from school.
The new bus coordinator for 2022 is Mr Andrew Riach at Oxford Area School is the Bus Co-Ordinator for the services. Should you have any questions about the service please direct your queries to (03) 312 4197 or email
Only pupils whose names are on the rolls are entitled to travel using a school bus service.
The maps show bus routes for the timing of buses below.