Nau mai haere mai, nau mai hoki mai ki te kura nei,
Welcome to those new to Oxford Area School and welcome back to those returning.
We hope everyone had a pleasant break during the Christmas and New Year period and ready to return to school.
In this newsletter, we have some essential reminders for returning to school including stationery, uniform and what to expect in the first week.
Next week:
Tuesday 28th January from 2 pm to 4 pm Kāhui Whetu afternoon – an opportunity to come into school to meet with Homeroom teachers and Learning Mentors for the year. This is a drop-in session, no appointments are necessary.
First School Day of 2025 – Wednesday 29th January at 9 am.
Wednesday 29th January
Year 1 – 13 in school | Buses running
9.00 – 11am: Years 1 – 8 Homerooms
9.00 – 9.15am: Year 9 – 10 assemble in Pīata, Y11-13 assemble in GP Hall
9.15 – 11 am: Years 9-13 Learning Mentor time
11 – 11.20 Break 1
11.20 – 11.30 am: Year 1-13 new students to OAS assemble GP Hall
11:30 am: Mihi Whakatau – Years 1-13, new staff and new students & families.
GP Hall, whole school
We invite families of new students to join their child/ren at this welcome if you are available.
Noon: Shared kai with SLT, student leaders, new students & families in Rūma Kaimahi
Normal classes Year 1-6 continue after the Mihi Whakatau and Year 7-10 Homeroom/Learning Mentor
12.20 pm Induction tour for new Year 9-13 students with student leaders
12.40 pm: Year 9 Peer Support, Year 11 Welcome to NCEA, Year 12-13 Peer support, service and NCEA
1.20 – 2.00 pm: LUNCH
2.00 – 2.45 pm: Year 1-13 House meetings (separate article around Houses)
2.45 pm: Return to Homeroom/Learning Mentor before 3 pm Bell
Friday 7th February will be our first of three Teacher Only Days in 2025. This day will be spent unpacking the new curriculum documents.
Also note the following week Waitangi Day is on the 6th of February, and we have a Curriculum Teacher Only Day on the 7th of February – meaning school will be closed these days.
Have a very happy weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā!
Mike Hart (Principal | Tumuaki), and the team at Oxford Area School.